When Taylor turned eight years old on July 20, 2003, we were not sure if we were going to have her baptized. Physically, she was eight, but mentally, we did not think that she really understood why we would be doing this and maybe would even scare her a bit. We talked
this over with our Bishop, and with his help, decided that she did not need this ordinance at this time. We would of been doing it because we wanted it, not because Taylor wanted it.
Last year when Taylor was about to go into Young Woman's, doing baptisms for the dead at the temple came up and I asked our bishop if Taylor would be able to participate in that if she has not been baptized. He was not sure and would check on it for me. We both soon forgot about it. Taylor is now in Young Womans and in November, they were asking for volunteers to do baptisms for the dead the first week in December and were trying to give all of the new Beehives this opportunity. I was there in Young Women's during this annoucement and watched as Taylor raised her hand to volunteer. I knew that it was now time to find out if she could do the temple work that she was raising her hand to do and that probably to be able to do this, she would first have to be baptized herself. Corbin and I talked to the bishop and after looking into it for us, he did confirm that she would need to be baptized herself, in order to do this work. It was at this time that we decided it was time to have her baptized, this time not for us, but for Taylor and after explaining things to her and that to do temple work, she would need to have to have this done, she completely understood and was excited to get it done. We realized that we would have all of the kids here for Christmas and what better time to have it done, than with everyone home! Plans were made, schedules changed and the special day arrived! We asked Taylor if she wanted Scott to baptize her and her Dad confirm her and she said, "Yes." Scott was so excited, he wanted to cry. This would be the first baptism that he has performed. What better one to do first, but his little sister's!
The evening was perfect. The Primary room was filled with dear friends and family. Our sweet Bishop Gubler conducted. Our good neighbor and friend, Evelyn Daniels-Brown played the piano while I led the music. Opening song was "When I am Baptized", followed by a very special pray by Taylor's big brother, Ryan. Stephanie then gave a great talk on baptism. With Corbin and Kritt, Taylor's brother in law, as witnesses, Taylor was then baptized by her brother, Scott.
Scott did have to baptize her twice because it looked like her left hand did not completely get submerged. When Scott told her that he needs to do it again, she looked at him and said, "Okay." She was so ready.
After she had dressed, we were favored with the beautiful hymn, "I Stand All Amazed", sang by family friends Breanna Haddigan and Dana Bergeson, accompanied by Janet Bergeson. Jess Walters, Taylor's brother in law, then gave the important talk about the Holy Ghost and how it will help and guide Taylor throughout her life. I appreciated so much the time and effort that Stephanie and Jess put into preparing and giving these talks for Taylor. Taylor was then confirmed to receive the Holy Ghost by her Dad and a group of other great men. As soon as Taylor got up, she started hugging all of them. I know that she knew that this was a special night for her. The bishop then closed with some very special remarks. This night was not only a special night for Taylor, but she got baptized on Joseph Smith's birthday as well as the Bishop's Dad's birthday, who had passed away just a few years ago. The closing song was, "I Am A Child Of God." Closing prayer was given by Taylor's sister, Kellie.
We appreciated so much everyone that came to participate in this evening and event for Taylor. The spirit was so strong and everything just felt so right. I look forward to going to the temple with Taylor and to watch her experience those special blessings that only the temple can provide. Thank you Taylor, for teaching me the importance of life and why we are here. You have always been such a special blessing to our family! We love you so very much!